Averaging over 10,000 free treatments annually, our medical missions program continues to thrive, bringing care and empowering local and international teams and individuals to give through medical care. Medical camps attract medical and non-medical people serving together Medical Missions also include linking highly specialized individuals to hospitals in Uganda where their skills can be utilized.
Highlights of Medical Missions;
- Local and international teams are inspired by the impact of care to the people we reach
- Lives are saved, people receive their first clear diagnosis and professional advice
- Local churches are empowered to reach their community
- Save Souls- The gospel and prayer are shared.
- Increase health seeking behavior – post mission
- Provide baseline survey for sustainability
- Are part of long term engagement strategy
Services provided at the Medical missions include;
- General Outpatient Care
- Laboratory- usually strip tests
- Dental care – especially extractions
- Eye Examinations and reading glasses supply
- Home visits
- Spiritual care
- Health Education
We have partnered with On-Belay Inc. USA to facilitate ground breaking spine surgeries at Mulago Hospital. Two surgery camps have been run so far in 2017 and in 2018 bringing in highly experienced Orthopedic surgeons and high value equipment.
We have partnered with Due Unto, Oklahoma to provide sight restoring Cataract surgeries at Ruharo Eye Hospital in Mbarara, this project is called ‘’ mud in your eyes’’ after the story of Jesus placing mud in the eyes of a blind man and thereby healing him.