Medical Camp: Focus, Mulago – Kawempe Division

Wentz Medical Center in partnership with Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS) and KCCA- Kawempe Division held a five days Medical Camp at FOCUS, Mulago, Kawempe Division from 25th to 29th March 2019.

The aim of the Medical Camp: 
The main aim of medical camps is to increase access to basic healthcare services to communities Specifically, this medical camp sought to provide both preventive and curative treatment for common conditions in the community, create awareness, provide counseling and testing for HIV/AIDS, promote good oral hygiene, do tooth extractions and refer those who require specialized treatment to the relevant centers.
Furthermore, the medical camp provided opportunities to both medical and non-medical personnel to give back to the community by way of volunteering their time, energy and expertise. It is because of the input of everybody that this medical camp was a success.

Disease Burden :

The most commonly diagnosed/ treated diseases include;

Health Issue Occurrences
Respiratory Tract Infections 668
Skin conditions 298
Gastrointestinal Tract conditions 515
Dental Conditions 192
Musculoskeletal System 382
Urinary Tract Infections 251
Eye Conditions 179
Vaginal candidiasis 200
Hypertension 184
Malaria 29
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 104
Ear, Nose and Throat conditions 100
Diabetes 32
Asthma 09
Sickle Cell Disease 09
Pelvic inflammatory disease 104
Typhoid 45
Pneumonia 74
Cardiovascular 06
Others 189


No. Description Totals
1 Total number of Patients Seen 2513
2 Number of Females 1684
3 Number of Males 829
4 Children under the age of 5 Years 421


On behalf of Renewal Healthcare (Wentz Medical Center), I wish to convey our sincere appreciation to FOCUS, KCCA-Kawempe Division and other partners who made this camp a success, thank you for supporting our community life-saving work. Thank you for being selfless.

We look forward to future partnerships.